Thanks for checking out my art!
I’m Caitlin Henning, I am a queer illustrator and designer based in Portland, OR. Born and raised in Massachusetts, I have always had a deep love for nature. As a kid, you could often find me climbing up in the trees or scouring the riverbed for friendly creatures. All of my best memories smell of campfires and bug spray. Today, I spend less time in the trees and more time in parks creating art greatly inspired by all these nostalgic memories.
Currently, you can find me at Mike Bennett Studios where I assist with creative direction and design, and curate community events. You may also find me around Portland, OR selling my wares in markets, local shops, and galleries. You can find my own products at www.shoplittlehen.com
Find more of my works on instagram @little.henn . For questions and inquiries email me at caitlinhenningart@gmail.com
Thank you!